
Hills and Valleys

“When I’m standing on the mountain, I didn’t get there on my own.  When I’m walking through the valley I know I am not alone.  You’re God of the hills and valleys.”

Hills and Valleys, Tauren Wells

This song by Tauren Wells has been my anthem for the past few weeks.  One of my besties shared this song with me a while ago and I listened to it, but I didn’t really LISTEN to it.  It wasn’t until my son, Noah, shared with me a different song on this same album that I listened to it again and  I really heard the powerful words of Hills and Valleys.  And when I heard it, it was a rhema word just for me!!

Life is a series of hills and valleys.  Okay, let’s be honest. Many times those hills feel like MOUNTAINS!!!!!  Whether we’re standing on the mountain, or trudging though the valley, there is often a temptation to take our eyes off of God and His role in where we are on our journey. 

On the mountain sometimes were are quick to celebrate OUR accomplishments: how WE got there, the hard work WE put in, the contacts WE made.  Though these things are worthy of celebration, after all, we did put in effort, sacrifice, etc., we must be careful to not ignore or take lightly  the hand that God had in our accomplishments and successes.  Every mountain is an opportunity to put God’s faithfulness on display. 

Equally, in the valley, it’s very easy to worry, bemoan our fate, and only see the worst of our situation without acknowledging God’s hand on us in the valley.  We miss the opportunity to, again, put God’s faithfulness on display when we don’t demonstrate confidence and faith that He will do what He said He will do.

I have been in a season that I have had to consciously center my mind on God’s hand in, what feels like, a valley.  I have battled worry, defeat, hopelessness, and anxiety.  It has been tough emotionally.  I could easily drown in my ocean of self-pity.  I needed a reminder of all the miracles God has performed on my behalf in the past.  I needed a reminder that I am not alone.  

On the flip side, my husband and I are on the cusp of seeing years of hard work, dreaming, and having kissed a couple of toads in this industry, turn into something we could never have imagined.  It is key for us to have a posture of humility, and to remember that the only way we climbed the mountain was with His push.  He set us there.

This song revealed my heart.  I only wanted the God of the Hills.  I don’t like the valley.  I don’t want God to take me into valleys.  Valleys are dark and cold.   I just want God to keep me on the mountain, sun shining down on my face!  The truth is that it will be difficult to really appreciate mountains in my life without experiencing the valleys and God’s presence with me there.  After all, He never promised that my life would be without difficulty or mountains, but He promised that He would ALWAYS be with me, no matter where I am.

I encourage you to identify where you are right now.  Are you on a hill/mountain or are you in a valley?  Take a moment to acknowledge God’s presence with you wherever you are, and thank him for His hand on your life.  Thank Him for being the God of the Hills and Valleys!

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  1. Nasya says:

    What an inspiring post!

    1. Nikita Gay says:

      Thank you, Nasya! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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