
My 2018 Goals Were a Big FAIL! How 2019 Will Be Different

And so the two-week countdown begins.  In just 14 days many of us will be gathered with family and friends, ringing in the new year along with all the hopes, dreams and fresh starts it brings.  Around this time each year I try to take a look at the goals I set for the current year and plan my goals for the upcoming year.  I was quite disappointed to realize that I have not accomplished one single goal that I set out to accomplish this year.  Not one!  So the question I have to ask myself is, “why?”  And what can I do in 2019 to get a different outcome?

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.  We can help write that story by setting goals.” 

Melody Beattie

We all know and spend a lot of time making sure our goals are S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely).  As challenging as that sometimes seems, executing them takes a lot more time, effort, and intention.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

Jim Rohn

I don’t want to get to December of 2019 just to look back and see that I haven’t accomplished anything I set out to do, so I am going to do my best to incorporate these three principles:

1. I will review my goals often.

Goals are no good if they are written down then tucked away in a notebook or planner, never to be looked at again until the end of the year.  That was probably the main reason why I haven’t accomplished any of my goals this year.  I didn’t take the time to review them regularly in order to keep them in the forefront of my mind. Both Micheal Hyatt, author of Best Year Ever, and Stefan James of Project Life Mastery, recommend reviewing your goals daily.  Looking at your goals daily will prompt you to take action, which leads me to the next thing I will commit to this year…

2. I will do at least one thing each week to move me closer to my goal.

How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.  Just as it would be overwhelming, dare I say, impossible, to eat an elephant in one gulp, it is just as daunting to attempt to accomplish a big goal in one action.  It is much easier to break down a goal into smaller action steps or goals to attack it.  This also gives you the fulfillment of winning small victories along the way.  For instance, if I have a goal to earn $100,000 in commission, and it will take approximately 100 customers to reach that goal, perhaps it will be more manageable to break that down into monthly or quarterly goals.  Therefore, I could aim to add 25 customers per quarter or approximately 8 per month.  To break it down further, that’s only 2 customers per week!  Now that seems very doable.  I can easily plug that into my planner each week as an action item and regularly progress toward meeting my goal.  And finally, 

3. I will share my goals with a trusted friend.

Sharing our goals with someone offers accountability and encouragement.  Just be sure that it’s a trusted friend, someone who is really in your corner, not someone pretending to be.  It’s helpful to have a sounding board, someone to kick you in the butt when you’re tempted to slack off, or someone to offer you words of encouragement when you feel intimidated by your goal.  Plan to check in with them regularly.  Again, the goal is to keep moving forward in small, consistent increments, so that you can look back in 12 months and celebrate your goals being accomplished. 

Whatever you do, don’t get overwhelmed, don’t quit.  Be intentional. Keep pursuing your dreams and goals so that you can live each year with no regrets!

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  1. Erica says:

    Wow!!! I am right there with you. 2019 will be a more strategic and thought out approach!!! That’s what inspired me to create the planners for 2019 and commit to reviewing my goals regularly. Accountability partners who really want to boost you is key!!!! Sometimes people mean well, but have their own agenda. Since you said everything I feel, I certainly touch and agree with you for an amazing 2019 where we put in the work and see the results!!!

    1. Nikita Gay says:

      Yes!! Let’s make this the best year ever!!

      Would love to learn more about the planner you created. Can you email me some information?

      1. Sure. Send me an email address or visit my website

        1. Nikita Gay says:

          Thanks! I’ll take a look!

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